I put Runza far above the mere gas station burrito every American male has tempered their immunity to.
I put Runza far above the mere gas station burrito every American male has tempered their immunity to.
If you are kitted out in full race leathers and mirror visored helmet? Oh my yes. Especially if you keep a roll of dimes hidden in it.
Hey, if sits in a flooded area it can’t hurt.
Given the stress on city engineering heavy rainfall can have on cities like New York the insurance on this might be a bit lower.
Get a stack of quarters and go destroy the top scores in the arcade at your mall.
The difference here is that race track wasn’t built with hundreds of millions of public funds in the center of a metropolitan area for a billionaire owner with immense legal clout. The always relevant Nissan.com saga of bankrupting an honest man willing to fight is the rare modern example of what taking on a behemoth…
1st Gear:
Exactly, in this physical world we occupy nature does not yield to man nor stop her work. Much effort is expended to make anything in this world truly good for even a small amount of time or use. CA is a cesspit where extraneous lawsuits set legal precedent which get used in ever more slippery ways to discredit…
First off, waivers are not legally binding and every single physical activity required to have them in order to be insured has been in this trap for many years.
Always thought the Subaru legacy was creating a safe space for drivers lacking city good looks and too urbane to be taken seriously if they grew out some dirt locks. Pretty much matches every owner I can think of.
I believe you were searching for 585 horsepower saloon car. The Aaaa U Dii sounds like a hearse so I’ll overlook your confusion.
This saying doesn’t refer to the moment adrenaline rushes through your body. Replay the part where he fall in the grass on his back and make a wet poo noise as his feet go skywards.
I hear official social media accounts related to the artist have claimed responsibility and titled this piece “A Dookie Growls In Brooklyn”
Being surrounded by enough high quality modern art to know not to board the #2 train while it was actively running today.
I can’t dismiss either view outright. Version A masks the existence of B though.
“You might think you can outrun me, but you can’t outrun a radio.”
What does “influencer status” have to do with getting new or yet to be released retail luxury goods to promote on social media? Almost always on loan/free/at greatly reduced rates I might add.