If this car looks red it was definitely breaking the speed limit!
If this car looks red it was definitely breaking the speed limit!
Burst acceleration is more likely in this car than time devoted to extensive high speed runs. If the only failing is it not getting ripped off from repeated 4 second runs because he added some plexi to his show car. I’d keep this fun and worry about the track on the track.
I’m in the greys so need to go full out on a Weird Al re-envisioning of “Dick in a box”. Heavily implied I would if not grey.
Raymond, how engaged are you with the idea of creating a David Tracy off road/mud video of the type he is constantly linking to here? He has no reason for collecting so many disabled vehicles without extensive video documentation of their demise.
No, I just like coming here and intimating legal distress that actually turns out well. :P
... with your former employer after they offer you a giant raise to come work for them!!!
What sort of hardscrabble reporter on the automotive field do you think you are. Accept the invite on a level that makes it legally, not just professionally, awkward to back out for them. Then start asking the hard questions. :)
Good lord was that a spot on award today $kay!
That jacket spoke you were at an auto show louder than you spoke you were at an auto show.
Can we expect a triptych written by Fancy Kristen, F.R.O. (Fancy Raphael Orlove), and one of the newer staff members?
Of course it isn’t. I was referring to areas along the Atlantic coast near him like The Hamptons. Small cars do not work out very well on the roads here outside of places like that. With the high speeds and size of every other vehicle on the road cars like his VW are not very safe to drive. The ones turned into…
You have a typo in the title. The comma needs to be a period and the last zero removed.
You self selected to win over a lot of women opposed to body shaming!
Everyone but Fancy Kristen who didn’t get invited to this veritably orgiastic coming together of underwhelmed days and over the top nights. Oh, and David Tracy is always down for the really dirty stuff.
Honestly, looks like it’s parents bought in next door to the Lexus family and mom suddenly decided her kid needed a new grill just like their offspring. When does the face gear come off so we can see what their investment is going to look like for the rest of its life?
Even a sober Canuck knows to do this before they plow the street.
Whoever posts the stop motion gif of an ipod with earbuds swinging like genitalia will win the internet.
Da, you use excellent example rife with themes common person understand and feel vindicated by. Soon, your own dacha for purpose of vacation. I sure of this.
The potato was worth more than every cent that kid will make during his career. That fan showed enough sportsmanship to make up for Mr. Andersson’s histrionics. He can be proud to be both American and Swedish.