Nom De Plume

That metal drain cover. I want to see that scene recreated with this HALO system. If it sucks it directly towards the human occupant, instead of following the ultimately safe flight path it described, wouldn’t surprise me. A more complete rethink of cars that provide better driver protection is what I suspect is

tl;dr - designerbros gonna designerbro.

Nice deflection.

What is the dumbest inside joke currently circulating through the hollow cubicle walls of Jalopnik HQ?

What direction are your new tabloid journalism masters taking the site in next?

Which TG/GT cast member would you choose to crew with on a Cannonball?

How many degrees of separation exist between you and David Tracy? Go jump some railroad tracks with Raph in tow to document the glorious exercise in personal freedom.

I especially appreciated the pursuance of fact checking this at the level of community help desk. No awareness in their answer means YES we get to create our own narrative and effectively sub-tweet at screen caps!!!

So jelly right now.

Just sell off this tool of the kleptocracy and head down the road to becoming Jalopnik’s first Malmo based editor. I promise you’d be in heaven over there with the sheer amount of vintage econo-shitboxes and svelte Euro only cars on the road. Go ahead and dream about rallying a Skoda Yeti on the daily.

That went from “Haha, LATFH” to “OMFG that was so fucked” in the span of 2 seconds.

Now playing

Disgusting idiot at Wimbledon? That one was done up right this year.

SUV that rolls over. Tell me more while taking profuse amounts of my money.

Your diet sounds... interesting.

Tin Foil. What the fuck is wrong with you people? If your skin can absorb chemicals and gases your food sure as hell can.

The correct response here would be directing your commentary towards the fact they can lift a 100 times their weight. Imagine what sorta raw dog booty smashing is going on to get enough blood in there to blow that shit up.

The first thing I’d do would be draw a giant gentleman’s sausage. The second would be stenciling a set of increasingly larger and wider agog caricatures of Clarkson’s head leading into it.

I honestly expected top comment to center on Torch being an American and a bastard.