
Bad genes, specifically no diversity in said genes

I’d suggest G Gundam then. It’s a giant robot fighting tournament on the ruins of Earth and is also bad shit insane. Master Asia’s horse has its own Gundam that it pilots.

I’ve got one episode left of Zeta and found it a pretty mixed bag. I LOVE the 80s Mecha anime aesthetics. But it felt the themes of trauma and the moral complexity of war from the first series kind of fell by the wayside. Plus Zeta doubled down on fridging SO MANY women, and having generally messy and disappointing

In my first dozen or so games before ELO normalized, I was the only person consistently portaling and it would lead to wacky 35-2 k/ds and clean victories.

Now, it feels like my teammates have companion cubes for brains while the opposing team are all crack Aperture test subjects.

People don’t seem to wrap their minds

Uh.....where are you pulling these “quotes” from? I have heard nothing from Kevin Smith other than how much he loved the series as a kid and is proud to be able to have adapted it. Also, he is apparently enough of a fan to know how to spell “Orko”...

Getting actual teenagers to play characters in movies is problematic, because underage actors are subject to stringent child labor laws. I do think that Villenueve cast Chalamet and Zendaya because they look like they could be younger, unlike MacLachlan and Young, who were clearly in their mid-twenties in the early

Yeah, I’m glad they got it out of the way early with regards to how they avoid the Lamentis apocalypse and I’m kinda glad none of the “fan theories” were validated.

> It bothered me so much as a kid that I once added quarters to a stranger’s game so he could keep playing and I wouldn’t have to see Frank Castle die.

I always hated the continue screens that showed how the protagonist would suffer a gruesome death if you didn’t insert more quarters. As a kid with an overactive imagination, my mind always followed-through on the inevitable, awful deaths these characters would face even when the Game Over screen pops-up before their d

Now playing

Getting flashbacks to the both awesome and traumatic Final Fight continue screens. 

Now playing

Man, I love and miss 2000s fighting game presentations so much

I liked some comics and didn’t like other comics and I don’t understand why you don’t feature that one comic that hasn’t had updates in four years.

I'm not threatened, I disagreed with your opinion, calling it "bad" (note: bad=\=wrong) and then you spiraled because you are seemingly so insecure that a stranger on the internet lightly mocking your opinion causes you to go over the edge.

Lol, you're such a jack ass that can't handle the slightest push back.

Gadot is in Murder on the Orient Express and will have a third Wonder Woman film, Aquaman made over a billion dollars with a sequel on the way with Momoa now in Dune. Oh, and Momoa admitted he was broke after Game of Thrones, so that WASN’T a career boost for him. I get disliking DC films, but come the fuck on

We get it, you vape.

Honestly, there’s no way this can be explained away as just being stream-of-consciousness from someone who’s not legitimately antisemitic. I’m Jewish, and in 33 years I’ve never heard someone use the word (let alone call me it) except in movies or to specifically list it as a racial slur. And it’s not like it’s out