
Absolutely! He should maybe set up a private email server, too!

What this blog does not take into account is the possibility that the real Sidney Ponson, completely unprompted, decided to DM Tom “Hillary did benghazi.”

Are we talking about being “blown from a gun,” or actually fired out of a cannon? If the latter, will it be like The Secret of Mana where you go into the stratosphere and land without a scratch?

Kids these days are so soft. Back in my day, you weren’t done in Oregon until you died of dysentery.

It’s okay. The Lakers are young and exciting and the Yankees are always pretty good; but damn, sorry about bama.

What kind of monster plays backyard ball without his father

Its shocking that this comment is not generating a more energetic response.


“Guys look how short my new shorts are!”
“That’s nuts!”
“Technically it’s the tip, but close enough.”

Oh fucking fuck me. Fuck this. Fuck Trump. Fuck anyone who voted for him. I don’t give a shit if you like to hear it, Trump voters. You just steered our country directly toward the pits of hell, and if your feelings are hurt by me telling you that, good. Maybe you will think next time you vote instead of pulling the

Damn it Petchesky. I’m tired of your junk.

Quoth the Raven, nevermore.

Why does Tom Brady need fancy sleepwear?

Isn’t this bed enough?

Now those are words Talib by.

Those are Digimon!

Of course it’s not. Everybody Loves Draymond.

I am seriously done with this shit.

Still not as scary looking as these two