
I’m not sure I’d want to see Intergluteal Cleft opening for anyone.

I mean, if you’re gonna unfurl a ‘Trump 2020’ flag somewhere, you might as well do it where the people there are so stupid they went to an Orioles game in August.

These owners really need to stick to sports.

Another infuriating, stark reminder that abusers don’t fit any specific profile, they’re everywhere. Apologies for apparently being one of the few commenters who don't find this funny.

Man, these guys really won’t defend anything.

Food and soda in a gym. Do you want Morants? Because that's how you get Morants.

“I think, as a Canadian, we would just never ever think about doing something like that,” 

Not to be all “get off my lawn,” but this is entirely his fault - he should have called “behind you” to his fellow kitchen worker, instead he created a situation where he had to bail out a teammate as a result of his own malfeasance. All I see here is a showboating glory boy. 

You are there to answer some damn questions.

welcome back

He actually resigned several weeks ago, but he didn’t think he had to report it to the school.

To be fair, that’s an Australian cow. It’s size is greatly exaggerated by the Mercator projection.

True story - what’s even sadder for that beer vendor is that his job doesn’t even provide enough to allow him to go back to his home in Kansas to visit his father. His dad had to use some of his retirement savings to travel to Landover just to be able to see his boy.

Is this really the world we want to live in, where we scour through people’s social media posts to find something questionable they said TWO DAYS AGO to destroy their careers?  Honestly, who even cares what a school superintendent said when he was only 53 years and 263 days old?  How do you know he isn’t a completely

Adrian Peterson told reporters, “That was a new one for me. It was different.”

Waiter: Would you like some pepper, Mr. West?

Bitter expedients. Bitter cretin. Papa John.

It actually doesn’t impact that at all when you realize that the Browns spend most of the game with their heads shoved up their own asses.

Excellent story. If he wasn’t already out, this story would convince me to pull my son out of youth football. Thank you for posting this.

“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”