
Well, at least it’s not the worst thing to fall out of a Bengal’s pickup truck.

Think about what a colossal shithead you have to be to “undermine the reputation” of the Cleveland Browns.

Don’t blame Microsoft. It’s not their fault the tablets are full of spyware.

Feast Mode.

Greatest turf on show.

Him: “Picaboooooo!”

I’d send them a farewell package but I already shipped all of my dildos up to Oregon.

Can you hear the people sing
Singing the songs of angry fans
Who are pissed to know the Cleveland Browns
Have failed them once again

This is unacceptable by Carolina. Trash-talk is fine, but once the baseball bats are introduced it becomes a blatant act of WAR.

It’s not really a big deal that 1500 people stayed after the game. They had to wait for their dad to shower, meet with the media and impregnate his wife before they could go home.

First Kyle transfers. Then Kyler is considering transferring. If Kylest goes, it’ll be really bad.

FUN FACT: Due to religious-based dietary restrictrions, none of these athletes can eat Donald Trump.

Tom, maybe you didn’t watch the video, but the Ravens were offsides. It’s a free play, and the results count only if the Rams want them to — the Rams accepted the penalty, so nothing that happened the last play actually happened. No play, no concussion. Case closed.

He’s like Bo Derek, a perfect 9-1.

Well, if the Cowboys cut Hardy he can always try his hand at Quidditch. There’s a sport that really needs beaters.

I guess football really is a game of Peko meters.

Was watching in a fairly crowded bar, most of whose patrons immediately spotted he was concussed. Why can a bar full of drunk idiots pick up on something while the people paid to pick up on it can’t?

There has to be someone affiliated with Deadspin that can pull off the mannerisms and affectations of an adolescent attendee.

I don’t hear Rodgers defending Norwegians when fans chant “VIKINGS SUCK”!