
It’s refreshing to see an argument between a black man and a white guy with guns end without any casualties.

This man is IRREPLACEABLE! How would the Vikings ever find an overweight, heavily-bearded, Norse-looking man who can ride a motorcycle in Minnesota?!!?


I bet Flacco goes nuts when he sees this. Dude might even burn through a whole sleeve of saltines tonight.

i know several women in confederate states who also would pick cousins over a black man

“But Harbaugh”, asked reporters, “what of illegals on our shores?”
“12 to 15 million, all working class or poor,
What shall we tell the teeming masses yearning at our door?”
Quoth the Ravens, “never more.”

I dreamed a dream in overtime

Renaud is actually pretty famous in the French speaking world for his softball exploits, but not nearly as famous as his brother Abandon.

does that say “drunk women”? ya know, just to clarify?

Andrew Luck is going to be the richest athlete ever. His salary won’t even include all that extra cash he makes by charging people to cross the bridge he lives under.

If any Spikes fans find themselves still traumatized, next Thursday is $1 beer night.

The gif that keeps on giving.

Fun Fact: It’s now illegal to hold that in Indiana.

The championship game is going to be Duke v Kentucky and the nation will throw up in its collective mouth.

and thanks to everyone who sent in pictures.

It's Indiana, not Insteve.

I, for one, see nothing wrong with the Patriot Act that would increase video surveillance of everything.