
Yes! You said it all!

I've never been literally on the edge of my seat before! Wow!

and not a moment too soon

And another Jesus represented. Jane, this is why we can't have nice things.

She's Tom Hardy's bride in Legend which is entertaining

Someone we know says "we're in salty season, hence salty behavior."

"Keep her life exciting." I don't see that. To me, she's just miserably, suicidally depressed, and even that gorgeous guy's adoration couldn't get her out of it. But I agree with all your other points.

named for a lovely Sinatra ballad.

I just remembered where I knew Laura from (w/o IMDB) She got to be Tom Hardy's wife too!!! Damn she's one lucky lady! She's not traditionally beautiful, but she does vulnerable like nobody's business. (And also invulnerable!)

Aren't you (once again) glad you didn't listen to your mother?

No, it's like "prime the pump." 45 invented it.

terrifies yes disappoints no

Worse than the filthy long johns?

beautifully said.

Yes yes yes yes yes

Why aren't you doing the reviews?? You've got my vote. Beautiful analysis. (But I think your blues are affecting your views of Gloria. In Fargo world, she'll persevere.)

I forgot all about "put 'er inners." The joys of old age! Yes, I love Winnie!!

Beautifully said.

Sounds like U.S, Trump, and our endless wars.

Silly is the least of it.