Even baseball’s controversies are boring.
Even baseball’s controversies are boring.
But Garrett Temple was our best community relations guy. Willing to do the morning radio call-ins or show up at Macys to sign autographs for an hour during their athletic clothing sales. He will be missed.
Tom Ley watches Barstool?
If they took their jobs seriously, Woj and the rest of the NBA reporters need to get phones that work after 5PM. That’s when the real action starts.
Sure, what else do we need to be working on?
The Kings WILL screw this up. As a Kings fan, it is the only way I can deal.
Nobody ever gave us a chance, but I stuck by my Warriors just like I did my Astros, Caps and Eagles. And now I humbly stand before you once again proud to call myself a champion.
The fatal mistake was each of them running away when the other was under attack. You have to stick together and fight. If he doesn’t have things quickly under control, the cougar will most likely run - you’re not going to have to fight him to the death. Of course they’re saying this cougar might have been a nut job so…
Well hello Suzie Suh!
The King’s are scouting the 25 year old guy playing high school. Vlade thinks he’s “better than average.”
Could you please provide a graph of the Chronister family tree. I started to lose track of who was related to who and had to stop reading.
The wind up and the two and two pitch. Oh no sir, wait a minute - the batter is calling for time. Looks like he’s going to get himself a new bat. And now there is a beachball on the field and the ballboys are discussing which one of them’s going to go get it.
As a 5 star QB recruit, Patterson was probably paid more than anybody - that is why Ole Miss expects him to stick around.
Remember last offseason when there were those stories about a fractured lockerroom in Seattle because some guys were talking too much. It was hilarious that Sherman and Bennett were the ones to come out and lecture the media about how everyone got along great. They seemed to have no idea that they were the ones the…
Fifty six-inning games and I might be interested. Any more seems like a death march.
You know, Hitler has kept his nose clean for over 70 years now.
For all of the problems in Aldon Smith’s life, the one thing that went right was when Kap stole his girlfriend.
Staged event, injuries were accidental.
So is Johnny saying he should have went to a team that likes QB’s with a drinking problem, don’t understand the game and don’t like to watch film?
C’mon Deadspin, there’s got to be an elderly paraplegic around here that we can blame for this.