A Lantern of Hope

So it’s a dance off movie. 

Melanie: Darling, I heard you are going to die any time soon?

The amount of chicken grease in his blood reached 100k ppm, so they had to put him on a ketchup iv until it thinned out.

Don’t tease us like this.

Knowing Hallmark (and Fuller House’s) target demo—white, Christian, conservative Americans

Don’t you chew them?

Sorry for not reading the article all the way through I was to busy puking did you know Corn Flakes can hold their shape 2 hours after eating them? Because I didn’t!

Pictured: the desperate ex-girlfriend (boyfriend?) who wouldn’t leave Eric Trump alone:

I do too and I absolutely do it in NYC (where I live) and get shit all the time.  But I don’t care - I think it tastes better that way!!!

I hate touching my food with my fingers, but I've been made fun of so much about it that I force myself to eat pizza with my fingers. Everything else, though, I avoid touching as much as possible. There are some foods I straight up won't eat because there's no way to do it neatly. I can't enjoy the food if all I'm

Personally, I think folding pizza is terrible and would rather use a knife and fork if I had to pick. I don't like to hide the toppings between the crust. 

Same! I hate greasy hands, and you can get the perfect amount of topping per bite. There’s a reason humans invented cutlery.

As an Italian-American I am legit offended by this.

I do it when the pizza’s super hot or abnormally greasy, helps cool it down.

I’m from one of those “clean your plate” families, so I would always eat my food from least favorite item, or part, to most favorite. Like I was rewarding myself with delicious mashed potatoes for choking down my garden peas. So I always ate my pizza crust first and then the delicious cheesy part. I did it up until

I eat pizza crust-first, so you’re not the worst offender.

Yanno who else eats pizza with a fork dontcha?

I always eat pizza with a knife and fork too! I don’t like getting my hands greasy.