A Lantern of Hope

This is so “super”villainy evil that I flat-out laughed when I saw it.

I’m not sure what the procedures for in-play Congressional seats are.

Yeah, it’s that the Speaker (whomever that would be) would become interim President until an election.

leave the country with no executive branch because the presidency will end by constitutional limit on Jan 20th.”

I am too.

Katy Perry’s grandmother, Ann Hudson, passed away at the age of 99. RIP Ann, and sorry for your loss Katy. You gotta admit, 99 is a damn good run.

Donald Trump, a noted germaphobe, even as he tries to spin what is an ever-growing public health crisis that his administration is handling incredibly badly (to put it mildly) as “fake news,” he is “privately terrified about getting the virus,”

Imagine if he gets it and then spreads it to Pence, Mitch, and the rest of the Geriatric Goons. Nature finally accomplishes what humanity couldn’t.

The White House is making sure President Trump is safe from coronavirus, even if the Trump administration cannot promise the same when it comes to the American people.”

Coronavirus eats Man, Woman (and Non-Binary Person) inherits the earth.

My feelings after reading that Miller article:

It was beyond satisfying to watch Bloomberg shrivel up like George Costanza’s dong in a cold pool under Warren’s assault.

I’m hoping for more sexy lucifers, not fewer.”

Mike Pence spoke at a church where the pastor blamed the devil for homosexuality.

Now playing

Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch was under surveillance by individuals associated with Giuliani (in other words, goons).”

Cry ‘Havoc!,’ and let slip the dogs of Warren...

Ah, the good old days when Donald was just an asshole developer instead of a genocidal lunatic.

To be dramatized in the BBC documusical Mamba No. 5.