It almost makes you think these people are not getting their kids vaccinated because they want poor people to get sick and die; but that would be preposterous, of course.
It almost makes you think these people are not getting their kids vaccinated because they want poor people to get sick and die; but that would be preposterous, of course.
“I sense the dawning of a new fad among eccentric billionaires, in which they test their raw manliness and mental toughness by living in a stuck elevator for 72 hours.”
My first thought at that pic was “Are you the Keymaster?”
So, for whatever reason, my other account was banned/deleted, and all of my comments scrubbed from Jezebel, so I’ll be commenting using this account for the foreseeable future. Just FYI for the commentariat.
I think banning ICE from the city would be a good start. Any agent who abducts or harasses immigrants could be arrested and charged by the city.
Someone should set up a nonprofit to assign bodyguards for immigrants so ICE can’t just take people with impunity.
No one is saying there will be world peace if the patriarchy is toppled. But that’s not the point of what I’m saying. What I’m saying is that women should pause attacks on each other and unite until men no longer dominate the planet. Then they can go back to fighting each other.
Exactly part of the problem. Women need to stop attacking each other as well. That’s just giving these men what they want.
Insecure Men(TM) will never stop trying to shout down women, especially the women they’ve assaulted. What should happen is women shout their pain even louder, and unite in their pain. Have women from all over the world, from all backgrounds and orientations, lifestyles and religions, unite in defeaning men with the…
People are protesting outside the concentration camps, right?
Send me irrefutable proof these kids are okay, and I’ll shut up. Until then, that’s something you might want to do.
Just ignore that person. He’s clearly a) white, b) male, c) childless, and d) a Trump supporter.
I’m actually in the middle of putting together a plan, but I can’t do it alone. I’ll have more details soon.
I’m pretty sure his supporters have him beat (sadly, not literally). It’s not like he just magically popped into office.
They have photos of him and Putin together, but they aren’t publishable.
You’re right, we can’t count on the elections. We need to rise up.
They might be. For all we know, multiple countries are in secret talks to implement a campaign of regime change in the US. But we can’t count on it. We need to fight back in every way possible. We need to save ourselves, because I guarantee no one in power will, regardless of party.
Agreed. The time for talk is over. The time for protest is over. We need to overthrow these people immediately. I was all for waiting until the elections, but how many people will be murdered or brutalized by these monsters in the meantime? How many children?