A Lantern of Hope

It’s encouraging that more and more people are starting to see Musk for what he really is. The worship was getting creepy as hell.

For me, it was the exact opposite; I moved from CA to the little Ohio farmtown. That made it all even worse.

Aw dammit, I missed that. Thank you!

I have to ask though; are they all white women? I’m not saying this isn’t good news, it absolutely is. But it’s crucial to look at these things through the intersectional lens.

Especially handcrafted ones for 80 dollars (Recorders are 150).

They would definitely know...

Fifth grade for me.

You know what’s a great religion? Reasonablism. What’s not to love about a religion that worships Godzilla (Zorp is essentially Godzilla) and his heavenly fire?

I lived in London (Ohio) for four years when I was a kid. Hated every single second of it. It actually fucked me up majorly long-term.


Yes. Yes they are. Hell exists, and it’s rural Ohio (rural anywhere, really, but still).

Like I said, she’s incompetent.

Well, children of the orange, anyway.

Yeah, if fewer people had “reserved judgment,” we wouldn’t be in this fucking mess.

I can’t wait for the reveal that she’s actually an evil scientist and he’s a sexbot she built to service her while perpetuating her conservative agenda.

Actually, being a Congressperson is the best job on Earth (for the lazy and sociopathic). You get paid and constantly re-elected to do nothing! People who actually try to do something to help usually get voted out.

Rabies builds character!

Only if we allow them to be.

Well sure, she may sound nice to the untrainored ear...

It’s nice to know our options are between another civil war, or nuclear war. Fun!