Can you point me to the exact point where he said we should restrict freedom of the press? Quotes would be great.
Can you point me to the exact point where he said we should restrict freedom of the press? Quotes would be great.
And I was so hoping to play Call of Duty: Galaxy Far Far Away (despite not knowing it existed until its neck was, for all intents and purposes, in that little neck groove in the guillotine…)
Wait. The ending for Halo 4 is just a banner ad for Sim City? Well, I guess I didn't miss much then…
Unfortunately, "Make 'em Laugh" just makes me think of someone's "Aristocrats" from the documentary about the joke (I wanna say Bob Saget's, but I'm not entirely certain, nor can I recall if they ever convinced him to actually tell the joke in the film), at which only a very tiny subset of humanity will actually laugh…
I feel like that was maybe half the script. Right around 50% excellent one-liners and 50% exposition for people who've probably heard of the Iranian hostage crisis once or twice.
Still, at least it's not Continues they're abusing. That's some real heavy shit…
Isn't that just where everyone goes when they're bored?
Not the best level, but the snowy mountain in Termina that the Gorons called home easily featured the most fun boss fight and best transformation mask for random fucking around in all of Majora's mask.
I think we learned not too long ago that the Medic fits this bill…
How is "Vaporized to Milk-Shake" not more of a meme? That dampens my faith in the Internet's ability to do one of the few things I thought it was truly good at…
Agreed on that last point. That's definitely what my first run was like. God that Paladin was amazing and the rest of my party shit…
My sole experience with the series being going back to the GBA games many, many times (and whatever the first GC one was once while I owned the console…), I can't say I really noticed that as a problem. Characters tended to level in proportion to how useful they were. The "weak" units were situational and, even a…
I probably should've thrown in a "however". I agree you can't fix stupid, but you can at least get stupid out of power.
Well, he certainly skipped class the day they taught subject-verb agreement.
You can mitigate it. You can vote against stupid. You can encourage other people to vote against stupid. You can flood your legislators' offices with emails threatening to vote against them in the next election if they vote in favor of stupid.
I may be biased just because it was my introduction to the series, but I always thought that OOT presented a pretty sexy map of Hyrule…
Obviously, you just double-jump in real life. What's so hard about that?
FFVII had a lot of them. Pretty much every iteration of Jenova was a brand new breed of "WTF?!", but personally, I give a lot of nightmare-fuel credit to Demon's Gate… Probably in a large part because you're trapped in the Temple of the Ancients until you can kill him, and that place is full of dangerous, disturbing…
9-Stein and the Judoon Biff are what move this from "An incomprehensible series of cuts and weird references to both series" to "An awesome incomprehensible series of cuts and weird references to both series".