"Little Debbie is known for its Nutty Bars, Cosmic Brownies and Oatmeal Creme Pies, but it's the Swiss Cake Roll — that hypnotic swirl of sweetness — that defines the brand."
"Little Debbie is known for its Nutty Bars, Cosmic Brownies and Oatmeal Creme Pies, but it's the Swiss Cake Roll — that hypnotic swirl of sweetness — that defines the brand."
Never was there a better example (okay, the vast majority of their science reporting)... a clearer example, of io9's sensationalist headline reporting.
Curveball here. The punchline will come years from now, when after years of happy marriage and effective parenting, their daughter will be the only one whose potato battery grows into a thriving plant in the bowels of the ruins of the Aperture Science Enrichment Facility, in spite of GLaDOS' numerous attempts to…
"Derrick was able to establish that those who exerted "effortful self-control" on day one, then interacted with a "familiar fictional world" on day two, had lower 'negative mood' on day three than those who followed up their 'effortful self-control' with 'novel fictional worlds' or 'escapism.'"
"You sound like Cookie Monster..."
It's just... bad. It's a terrible sign when I can see on logging in that I have replies, read 'em in my Inbox, come to the actual comment thread, and not be able to find them until I follow the link through the thread. And then this whole "Let's just vomit all the comments all over the place so it looks like a…
I know they do, which is why I believe they could totally support their own show. Whether the creators could handle adding an extra pet project to the HISHE roster is another question...
They need to do like a weekly Batman and Superman getting coffee and talking about random crap series...
I think the highlight of this episode, for me, was the chart room. No one's going to top Community's heist movie parody any time soon, I think, but the chart room was brilliant, especially with Amy's "explanation" for why no one had ever been to the chart room before...
Yeah, I latched onto that one too. For all the flak it gets, with the gift of hindsight, it was a fun ride...
My best friend and I both came into BSG at random season finales as people we knew were watching the show. I think it was sometime in the middle of "Kobol's Last Gleaming" for him. For me, I caught the very end (right before the last commercial break) of "Crossroads Part 2" with the crazy "All Along the Watchtower"…
I could use some more relativity in my Sci-Fi. I think part of why it gets ignored as often as it does is that we can't even begin to fathom traveling faster than light, much less what that does to perception of time, so as long as we're using FTL travel, the relativity angle has to be ignored.
Why does it always feel like whenever the appropriate video response came from a cartoon, I can only ever find the "I held a video camera up to my TV!" version...?
I've been sitting on a similar one since high school that hasn't really fit with anything else that I've written or tried to write so far, though it often gets name-dropped without being overtly used in some of my worlds.
Was just coming to post that...
Evolution? Millions of years. Mankind's control of fire? From banging metal and rocks together to nuclear holocausts and rocket propulsion in only a couple tens of thousands of years. I think it's safe to say our fire will trump their fire armor when they show up, even if we blow ourselves up in the process. It's not…
Steam/Biopunk + beautiful illustrations remeniscent of the Star Wars Incredible Cross-Sections series? Something tells me I need to get my hands on these books in one format or another...