
All that research just to tell people the obvious: get off your butt and exercise, plus stop eating garbage food.

Sure. It only fucks children, minorities, women, the poor, the disabled, the elderly, and anyone in what’s left of the middle-class, but that’s worth an extra $20 per check for the next 7 years, right?

I knew we’d have a moron chime in eventually. Thanks, Cletus.

This is one of the ugliest vehicles I have every laid eyes on. I see quite a few down here in South Florida and I don’t get it....besides the obvious status symbol.....

His free-throw shooting at Washington actually looks very impressive. Take my word for it. A Knights of Columbus free throw shooting champion 2 years in a row.

I may of missed it, but you do realize they announced Dwayne Wade will be starting over JR Smith?

Amazon on title is spelled wrong