Is this a safe space for Trump bashers? Sure seems that way.
Is this a safe space for Trump bashers? Sure seems that way.
Harden’s deceleration is deadly. Far and away the best decelerator in the NBA.
Thank you for your opinion. That is appreciated. I have had Miele and Dyson and I feel the exact opposite. My Dyson has changed my life especially with a dog. To each his own.
Thank you for your opinion. That is appreciated. I have had Miele and Dyson and I feel the exact opposite. My Dyson…
I am a racist? Pretty bold assessment when you have zero idea who I am. Tells me more about you than anything. Thanks for sharing. where the trolls reside
Always hit with the insults. That is what these comments board are for aren’t they. You all act like the end of the world is near, and don’t live in reality. The bill isn’t bad, you wont notice any changes and either will children, women, the poor, disabled, or the elderly like the Armored Titan stated below.
This article is so slanted. The Tax Bill isn’t that bad and the vast majority of us will not notice any difference. A little more take home pay actually...
Yes, Yes, and Yes to all 3 of your questions. Not even debatable. The definition of assist in Highschool, College, and the NBA all differ significantly. In highschool you must score off 1 dribble compared to the NBA when the last guy that passed you the ball gets credit for the assist.
That is called tripping, remove this video promptly. #Clickbait
clearly that decal is slippery. Those have been an issue for a long time on basketball floors
Simmons is flat out nice. May be the closest thing to Lebron we see in our lifetime. Emphasize “closest thing”.
Great Read!
This is one of the ugliest vehicles I have every laid eyes on. I see quite a few down here in South Florida and I don’t get it....besides the obvious status symbol.....
His free-throw shooting at Washington actually looks very impressive. Take my word for it. A Knights of Columbus free throw shooting champion 2 years in a row.
I may of missed it, but you do realize they announced Dwayne Wade will be starting over JR Smith?
Amazon on title is spelled wrong