
On the other hand, you’re bloggers who “Spend the Day Ripping Lines From Reddit,” so let’s call it even.

Maybe, just MAYBE if the creator and talent of said movie didn’t go so far out of their way to make the point that if you didn’t like their movie that you were some sort of women hater, that people wouldn’t go out of their way to do the same that it was a complete piece of shit.

What I find remarkable is the sheer volume of incredibly obnoxious douchebags who insult others for acknowledging Paul Feig’s awful writing, directing and lack of imagination and criticising his unprofessional and downright childish behaviour while making this film. What’s also remarkable is these folks’ lack of

The whole ghostbusters 2016 was a shit show and Sony created the narrative that anyone who didn’t want to see or did not like the movie were misogynistic nerds. That way any criticism was deemed invalid.

But what the ending of the Original Ghostbusters REALLY need though was a good old fashioned queef joke. Because if you don’t think queef jokes are funny then you’re a sexist manbaby basement dwelling toy unboxer.

I’m about to say something that may shock and amaze you:

Kate McKinnon was in David Pumpkins. Therefore, by your own metric, it was good

?? Kate McKinnon *IS* in the David S pumpkins sketch.

*hits ‘Ctrl +’ 10 times*

“Law enforcement resources are now being marshalled as a result of a video that looks as if it could be real. There is no clear indication that it’s false.”

“the person who posted this who deserves some form of persecution even if it is fake”

In what world does he deserve prosecution if this is fake? That would mean the girl is an actress who agreed to do this. Which makes it a fan made horror movie short. Considering the prevalence of handi-cam films around the same time...it’s no bigger a deal than what Sam Raimi did with Evil Dead, just maybe alot mor

No if it is fiction as some sort of student film or high school video production segment completed when learning the horror genres AND both actors willingly played the role, there is absolutely zero persecution warranted.