
And the rumors that Spielberg took over for Tobe Hooper during Poltergeist, and for Colin Treverrow during Jurassic World.
I can see a studio giving an indie director a huge budget to do this kind of film then bringing in someone else to polish it up.

I accidentally farted in the face of the guy who played Booger on Revenge of the Nerds while riding an escalator. He pretended he didn’t smell it but gave an audible “Whew!” when we walked off. Judging by the farts that came before and after that, he probably should have thrown up.

I do consider elderly goblins a minority, guys. I do!

The source of her long life is unique and a major plot point. It’s presented like it never happened before or, at least, was extremely rare.

I guess you’re saying people whined for it to come back but never bought it?
If so, this product was constantly sold out this summer and very difficult for a lot of people to get a hold of. There was a large secondary market on ebay selling cans for $20 or more. Movie theaters were selling it for $3 a can and were

There’s one coming out Friday that kinda does that.

I REALLY loved “Hated in the Nation,”despite my disinterest in cop shows. It’s the first time I’ve genuinely wanted a spinoff from this series. Though I suspect the ending wouldn’t make that possible.

We’ve flown on 6 planes in 2 days with Delta. On each, they had announcements in the terminals that the phone had to be powered off and couldn’t be charged on the plane. It didn’t seem to bother anyone. They never checked any phones.

Same here. Even bought it in 2012. About a month ago it wouldn’t turn on then kept clicking and popping. Total junk.

This is no more or less absurd than anything Batman does.

Thrawn was brought in to hunt this rebel cell.


AKA Rob Zombie’s Halloween 2.

This is a trend that started back before the prequels. He’d buy cover art all the time and some interior art if he liked it. He decided to put Aayla Secura in AOTC because of comic art he purchased that featured the character. It’s also been said the comics are the only EU material he ever read or enjoyed because he