
I loved Black Mirror. It's probably best not all consumed at once, though, as you'll hate humanity.

That's similar for me - added to which, I moved from a city of about 500k people to one of about 40k seven years ago. Nobody tours here unless they have guaranteed ticket sales (so mostly revival shows).
I used to go to concerts all the time. The last one I attended was over a year ago.

Mrs periscopes and I watch NCIS:LA together. I mostly like the theme tune; she mostly likes LL's arms.

My new year pop-culture resolution last year was to watch at least one movie a week without my iPhone being anywhere near me. It's too easy just to grab that little bugger and get distracted.

I got a Community notification for this?

So do I, but usually I'm holding the shift key down. It's not the most efficient way to type.

I know, right? I was always a bit away from reality as a youngster. Also, I had been through a rather weird phase in life. The acne I'd had from about 13 cleared up suddenly at 18, and all of a sudden girls found me attractive.

And I don't really want to be reading comments while I'm supposed to be working!

Mrs periscopes loves it when I give her a pedicure - that's largely down to the power dynamic in our relationship. It certainly puts her in the right frame of mind to start thinking dirty.
I like it because of the response she has.

I'd respond like Moss from The I.T. Crowd:

It does work if you're British - it's kind of a national way of saying "hello".

"I really like your frown"

I once (when I was 19) initiated conversation with a stunning girl at a party. She was my height - a shade over six feet - and a redhead, so quite an unusual lady.

I used to stammer a lot, and it never really held me back. My terrible acne did that, until I was 18.

I'm so pleased for you with regard to the relationship stuff. I hope it keeps moving forward in a positive way.
I echo the stuff others have said about the job - it sounds as if they have hiring issues.

"Add more kosh!"

Yorkshires and roasties - hell yes. We do our roasties for Christmas in goose fat (with a little olive oil for colour).

I was 16 when this came out - I was core demographic.

People do shift priorities when they become parents, and rightly so. I became more proactive at planning get-togethers, so that my friends with kids could arrange babysitters, and thus participate.

Erykah Badu singing "Plenty" on one of the Jazzmatazz discs is such a sexy performance.