
Mashed potatoes are usually made with milk/cream and butter.

One benefit of turning 40 is that people stop pestering you to have children (especially my in-laws). Enjoy that.

(I am, and it's my birthday in two days - thanks for bringing up such a sore subject. Why don't you give me a paper cut and pour lemon juice on it?)

Creamed cauliflower (with coconut fat) is a good vegan, low carb, alternative to mashed potatoes in small quantities. It goes very well with roast lamb (obviously not vegan).

1991? God, I feel old.

Different, but not always disconnected.

il Douche

I'm amazed at what Mrs periscopes can eat, and still retain her physique (it's mainly because she exercises loads) - when I ask her "what, pork pie again?" it's because I'm impressed.

Either smile and nod, or just let her demonstrate just how independent-living she really can be.

For what it's worth, I have recently been re-watching "Dectorists" (a BBC sitcom by and starring the original Office's Mackenzie Crook). For a simple sitcom about a metal detecting club, it has some amazing exterior shots.
It's also a cracking comedy with heart.

I'm non-American. I don't like the focus of SL in recent weeks, but this is a situation that is genuinely affecting the lives of the majority of the readership.
It will also affect the rest of the world, as the US is the major political influencer.

I'd try (subtly) to insinuate that what he's doing will make him more like the people he detests.
My genuine thought though is that he's spouting impotent rage at the moment. This nonsense should die down.

"[H]e met her as she was cheating on her previous partner", and he's surprised she won't commit to monogamy? Seriously, that is dumb*.

"sex lifeā€¦ some sense of decency and normalcy"
It took me a while to parse that sentence, as I don't often consider those words in such proximity in relation to myself.

It took about 24 hours for me to put the melancholy of the European referendum out my my brain, because my urge to indulge in filthy activities (some of which I would blush to mention here, being an Englishman of stiff-upper lip and other bits) is too strong.

I hope you find some resolution to the fainting.


When I got the job I'm currently in (and from which I'm about to retire), I was interviewed by so many people that I can't remember how many there were. I only remembered two of them as actual people though.

Depends on how you carve the ginger root, but square is not usually the best profile (although I'm pretty sure that comfort isn't a major consideration).

My mother became less racist when she rented a flat below a young Polish family (a lot of the crux of the UK European referendum was over immigration, principally from Eastern Europe and the Middle East).