
How does one find the time, if one is not @Idiotking?

Something to be happy about then.

It's true, we're so lame.


Roast pork with Bramley apple sauce.


He was doomed to play old boys for his entire career.

You need a British Best Bitter or something similar.
Abbott Ale has been my go-to, but it's obviously easier to get here.

I resent that description. Barely functioning alcoholics, if you please.

Darker beers have malts that have been roasted longer. The percentage varies.

Ahh, go on.
Go on.
Go on, go on, go on, go on.

Will ye have a cup o' tea father?

My friend (Big Phil) does that every Friday and Saturday (and some Sundays).
There's a reason he's "Big" Phil.

I spent the weekend drinking hand-pull stout in my local in Wiltshire. That's one of my favourite things about autumn.

IPAs have been a feature of British pubs for at least as long as I've been drinking*.
The funny thing is that some IPAs are weak and bland, whereas others are the punchy style. IPAs here tend to be hand-pull ales, although in recent years we have seen American-style kegged IPA becoming a trend in craft bars.

The Hall & Woodhouse (Badger) Brewery in Dorset has an annual beer that cellars well for a decade. This year's is Sturminster Beast, a porter that is so tasty that it'll be hard to lay it aside.

"[R]ather like the one Paramount recently put together for its Transformers franchise"

11-year-old unicyclistperiscopes was so excited to see Transformers: The Movie. That was in part thanks to the UK comic book (the only one I ever collected), but also that magnificent poster.

I liked the music in the original too: "The Timewarp" was the first dance at my wedding (mainly because we never bothered to learn to dance).