
Makin' movies, singin' songs, and fightin' round the world!


Those defensive types are the kind who apologise thus: "sorry if I hurt your feelings". Arses, in other words.

Absolutely - the air of intolerance that has hitherto been subdued, as it is definitely wrong, seems to have been given an air of "respectability" as a direct result of his involvement in front-line politics.

A dog shit on your lawn isn't as bad as one on your shoe. But it's still a dog shit.

I think my being married (and obviously so) helps avoid being called a white knight; but I'm a sensitive flower.

I echo what @prestidigititis:disqus says; take this one on the chin. You had a narrow escape, but learn from it.

I have a cousin that my sisters love, and I avoid him like the plague.
He is just a dick. I prefer to be around people who will make a sly dig when it's warranted, not as a conversation starter.

Unfortunately, they do not all die young. There's an massively dickish orange one on my telly all the time at the moment.

Your anecdote is saddening but too close to experiences of women I know. That whole "belonging" thing is upsetting.

It's important that all Americans who can vote do.

It's been a year already? What am I doing with my life?
Seriously, it's good to know that you're continuing on that upward track. Enjoy Margaret Atwood.

"The top performs for the bottom, and the bottom is in total charge of the limits and parameters."

Tiny Trumpkin

A quick coffee, and you'll soon Raleigh.

Here's 19 minutes of Jason Statham looking like an angry potato.

My Frankenstein's monster's breath smells like Frankenstein's monster food.

I hadn't heard it before, and hope I never do again.
Damn you Hatesong for introducing me to a new song to hate!

"Foodles" is Cockney rhyming slang. It means "entirely trustworthy and structurally sound prop builder".
