
Not here - the Child Support Agency is pretty much toothless if the departing parent is willing to lie.
In fact, my mother was warned for not disclosing what her ex earned as he wouldn't tell them. She obviously had no idea!

No need to shout about it.

The autopsy will show that the killer was CancerAIDS

My stepfather was physically abusive, yet still insisted on his rights after divorcing my mother.
My little sister was only 8 when he left, but refused to see him as soon as she was able to. As I'm a decade older than her, I have grown up as her surrogate father figure.

"Bi guy" is an arsehole, whether he's gay, bi, straight or anything else.
If you're in a monogamous relationship, you owe it to your partner to be monogamous. Not cheat, then blame/abuse your partner.
If you want to change the nature of your relationship, get agreement first.

Porn screenplays are very subjective.

It's where I learned that you don't go leaping straight for anything like a bull at a gate. The rest was implied.

Dysentery always reminds me of:

Eat Prey Love, surely?

My sister's ex is just like that. Two kids from a previous relationship: no support paid. My two nieces: no support paid.

They're such a turn-off. I mentally have to translate "gray" to "grey". Ugh. Fantasies shouldn't require so much effort.

A well-maintained car should just about remain viable then. Go at him "girls"!

I'm glad that Mrs periscopes "settled" for me when we were young. FWIW I have never cheated on her. I have only hurt her once: I leaped out of bed when she was tickling me, and dropped her on the floor. I'm very ticklish.

I was taught the "mechanics" of sex ed (the reproductive system, communicable diseases etc) at 11/12. We then had, at 16, social awareness classes that taught us about interaction with other people, including consent.

As I'm an earl, I am entitled to call him out without referring to his bestowed title.

Only a few years ago (before we had to expand the comments sections to see all postings), I used Ctrl+F on an article about Piers Morgan. I was quite pleased that I posted the 1,000th use of the c-word.

If David Attenborough had any class, he would have changed his name to Boaty McBoatface.*

Now you've made me hungry.

He's worse than Hitler.

You, sir, have obviously never eaten Black Forest Gateau.
Eat a slice of that, and then you'll understand that fruit on a cake can be a glorious thing.