
I thought he was going for the Surviving Christmas follow-up, because that was a huge success.

What made it really bad for me is that Jane Goodman co-wrote this and one of my favourite profane female characters in recent movies (Hit Girl).

Thanks for bringing up such a bad memory.
My uncle was killed whilst mixing Christmas Pudding: he was pulled under by a strong currant.

The Emergency Vagina System is usually preceded by the alarm that sounds "Ole! Ole! Ole! Ole! Ole! Ole! Ole! Ole!"
Feelin' hot hot hot.

Sultry is a very subjective word.

Dry mouth can also be alleviated by cold champagne or warm tea (not hot tea). Variations in temperature can be a total turn on for me.

We also have gun control in the UK. But the hunting of animals can continue.

My favourite food/rap crossover is "Ill Culinary Behaviour" by DJ Format (feat. Abdominal).

I can tell you now, certain overseas audiences are not over bothered by the Superbowl.

And perfect with a garlic butter.

How long have you been waiting for a Teddy Ruxpin/Newton Gimmick article?

I don't know if it's my favourite, but LL Cool J's autobiographical song "Father" unfortunately resonated with me in a way that still makes me well up a bit nearly two decades later.

I think the member berries were what the British public was taking back in June, voting for a nostalgic Britain that never really existed.

Fillion just spent 7 years in something dumb but lucrative. (Full disclosure; I watched Castle, so feel to blame in part).

Now you've got me thinking I'm people.

It's chow-dah!!

That's a scam.

Yeah - you need to take a break, or be more gentle or something.

Just putting my opinion in - I agree with everyone that comb-overs are bad.
Whilst not really suffering with baldness myself, I had a friend at university who started balding at 16. By 21, his blond comb-over was fooling no-one. But he wouldn't take advice and carried on looking ridiculous.

Ibuprofen really affects my stomach in very antisocial ways…