
Sorry about your job situation.

Here in the UK, references have effectively become confirmation of working, similar to the way that the Ayatollah says above.
It's almost impossible to glean anything from them, unless you had a great relationship with your former boss.

Everything Jarvis Cocker sings sounds like an innuendo (if it's not straight-up about sex).

"Laid" is a great pick.


When I'm down to my socks it's time for business, that's why they're called business socks.

Apparently, that marriage is in the shitter too, according to the one report that came up when I googled him.

The AV Club…

Sale or return, baby.

Because of, despite, or irrespective of this?

We celebrated our 15th this month by going to Paris.
It's easy to be romantic when it's just a train ride away.

I list mine as they appear in my iTunes list, so A for me.
Others do it differently.

It's only fair: this degenerate commenter has decided not to watch Gotham any longer.

Abdominal (& DJ Fase)
The Afghan Whigs
Al Green
Alanis Morisette
Amy MacDonald
Arrested Development
Audio Bullys

Props for Alexei Sayle

Depends on mood/temperature.

No. Neither is it pronounced "Botham" when written "Bottom"

It's the best condiment.


Funny thing is that my real surname is just about as ridiculously British as Farthingbottom.