
Where's the article on Brown Sauce?

That was exactly my response to the marketing.
I'm so glad I got past my preconceptions.


That counts.
Anyone who discounts movies as being invalid experiences just has no soul.

Mrs periscopes uses a variant on "calm down" sometimes "why are you upset?".
I'm not. But by the fifteenth time of being asked, I will be.

The clay is silent

The series continues:
"I'm Spartacus"
"I'm Brian, and so is my wife"

What can you possibly be up to that's more important than responding to drunk/insomniac/foreign strangers over the internet?

[Man has heart attack.]

When Mrs p was Miss o, we lived about two hours apart after graduating from the same university. Having proximity then distance was tough. She was/is the needs-cuddles type too.
I moved.

My father's history can help illustrate possible outcomes to two of the scenarios.

Mrs periscopes works 10+ (usually closer to 12/13) hours a day.
She has got around it by giving the day-to-day running of the household to me. Not that that has been so successful to date, as I work 10 hours a day too.

Snow Patrol is one of my fairly-guilty likes, too.

Although C4 has ads, it is also a public service, not-for-profit, broadcaster. It has done wonders with the paralympic coverage since London.

See now, that sounds good. I enjoy a good BLT (and only put a little brown sauce in it).
Yeah, it's very savoury, with some sweetness - but a lot less so than ketchup.

Yeah - HP is the biggest seller, with more than half the market.


Ahem, prawn cocktail crisps.
I loved them as a kid, but find them horrible now. Too sweet.

It's such a British thing to name your sauce "brown" as well. We can't be getting carried away with having a taste or a place name, as that would seem like an extravagance.

Yep - disgusting (also not possible in my house - we don't have peanut butter because of allergies)