
Confusion re "brown sauce" I assume.
It's a British thing. It's similar to ketchup, but the tomato takes a back seat to dates, tamarind and spices. It is just amazing with bacon or bangers (sausages).

Ketchup for me is only acceptable on a fish finger sandwich (and the bread has to be cheap sliced white).

Wodehouse was one of the finest wordsmiths ever.
Each and every paragraph just shouts "read me again!".

Harry Flashman

I know you've been having issues.
Being together young is not for everyone, but it is right for some.

I should, but this was a rough example.
The actuaries are working on the discounted weighted historic conversion rate as we speak.

Slipped disqus

Only watch Jon weekly, that should solve the problem.

Depends on where she dies.
Further, the lease can be rescinded at lessor's discretion. See above: other cat went to live elsewhere.

Strangerer Things

Free is still too expensive.

Oh, come on. We need the specifics now!


Happy Birthday!

I'm not really sure you can.
If it hurts, and it continues, and he knows, I think you need to start looking deeper at the relationship.
If he doesn't know, tell him.


Re the 21-year-old and the question about being with the person you met at 20: Mrs periscopes and I met when I was 20, she 18. We started seeing each other when I was 21, and she was 19. We have friends from that era who also remain together. We also have friends who split up in short order.

I've not heard that - will go look for it.

One artist I continue to enjoy is DJ Format. As his name suggests, he's a DJ - and he gets vocalists in.

Octopussy was the first Bond I saw at the cinema - my friend's grandmother took us (it was also the first time I'd had Spiderman potato snacks: weird how these memories come back).