
Jesuses? Jesi? Jesusses?

I don't know if I'm more pissed off at you for quoting that song and making me think of it, or at myself for getting the reference immediately.

Maybe Dan Savage #1 was saving all the juicy ones for his return.

That really was extremely rude. And obviously deliberate (from the telling).

I've said it before: that anger with the political elite is a very real trend. You only need to look at the foot-shooting referendum we had in the UK a couple of months back.

I would like to see it aired here too.
In the meantime, I am reduced to scouring YouTube.

Me too. I'm also surprised at how young he is. I would have said he was in his early 50s.

Mrs periscopes earns nearly three times my salary - we graduated from the same degree together, and obtained our post-grad qualifications at the same time.
It feels great to know that she has succeeded - in fact, I am going to be retiring later this year in order to support her endeavours. I am only 41, so it is a

Sounds like you have come up with a sensible (if frustrating) work-around.

He's also the cinematographer on the Anglo-French-Canadian show "Versailles", which is a beautiful piece of TV.

I remember my thoughts as a kid that I must have been really naughty. I got so few presents in comparison with my friends. Money wasn't really something about which I was aware.

I didn't see the early seasons on TV, but caught up on DVD. The laugh track removal improved it immensely.

You should.

I miss that song from the VHS version. For me, that's the definitive version as I never saw the film in the theatre.

Johny Cash's cover of Gordon Lightfoot's "If You Could Read My Mind" (American V) - Cash's nearly broken voice just adds to the song's sense of regret.

It's an alternative food, not a competitor.
Soviets grow more corn, they need to convince people to eat it.

Maybe let him know that you're busy at the moment, but try to fit something casual in (like a coffee or some such) to see how you feel toward this guy.
If you want more, you can build on that.

From your post up above, it looks like next month will see you start a new chapter in your life.
Whether you're going to residential training or staying local, there may be opportunities to start new friendships/relationships.

Age is my friend in this respect, too.

Maybe you should intervene (gently). Credit card debt is just plain stupid. It's very expensive.
If he carries a balance, and is able to get credit elsewhere, maybe you should try to nudge him towards a short term (bank) loan and destroying the credit cards.