
I've never enjoyed the pursuit phase, although I loved the bit where you know things are inevitable and the two of you are getting close. The electricity is intoxicating.
We still get that when we try something new, even after 20 years - so you can enjoy elements of the thrill of the new over a LTR.

I get bored of mackerel if I have it twice in two weeks.
We have to plan my oily fish intake.

The problem to my eyes was a tendency towards the (not so) humblebrag.

I have to watch myself, as I will sometimes think up a witticism/joke if it's funny regardless of setting. With some friends it's fine, with others less so.

Or watch it on the BBC. I'm sure there are myriad ways of doing so.
The coverage is generally very good, with knowledgeable presenters (usually former Olympians among them).
And you occasionally get people like Andy Murray shooting down a sexist presenter. https://www.theguardian.com…

Any advance on 2045?

He has a lot of limb to unravel at the start.

I have the same issue. It's pretty annoying.

His start was pretty terrible, but his grace once he gets going is astounding.

He's not seen as arrogant here (UK). We love him, and he seems to get more support than even our own athletes when he's racing them.

"This young man has done something truly, truly special".

That's always one of my favourite programmes at Christmas.
Anything with Ayoade is going to be good.

Liked for both sentiments.

He was the guy who actually dared ask Steve Martin "how come you're not funny anymore?".

"Countryside" is one of Stephen Fry's greatest ever moments.


Oh yeah, the hype was massive.
And the print media played into the hands of it, complaining about "glorifying" junkies.

I saw OCS tour Moseley Shoals in '96. My girlfriend at the time (now wife) and I loved the show.

I was in my second year of university in Exeter when that came out. It was everywhere. A brilliant film.