
And, if they do, it's tax-deductible*

In the original poster, the sheriff is holding a gun.

I got the wrong Black Sheep in my mind (the 2006 one). Or rather, I had the right one in mind.

The Ship trip went from here to Asia (via flip fantasia).
Biddy biddy bop.

Any mention of Speed 2 immediately reminds me of the ITV2 announcer when it was shown on TV once here in the UK:

Re first-date declaration of non-maternal instinct: the woman may just be defensive because of being barracked about having kids. Or there may be some health issue she had suffered.

The Bullitt theme is also legitimately great.
He has had seven Oscar nominations (although no wins), so at least someone is recognising him.

It became apparent to me once I couldn't get up in the morning, even though I'd be awake from about 3am. But figuring it out for yourself is incredibly difficult. My GP had to spell it out.

Was "Should'nt" deliberate? If so, baravo!

About twelve years ago I struggled to get to sleep. I did not know at the time about my depression. The one thing that helped me get to sleep was to stop everything half an hour or so before I wanted to sleep, and to read fiction.
I found that, by putting myself in another world, I was able to switch my brain from

[laughter track]

I'll get my coat…

"Other Dan". I really hope that Dan isn't having a Barry Dylan episode.

I had (I thought) a close relationship about 23 years ago. I shared the details here a while back: long story short, she accused me of trying to force myself on her.
I really liked this girl, and there was a physical attraction that I had never pursued (I was full of self-doubt at that period in my life).

The sevens tournament is my favourite.
Although I really wanted Team GB to do well, the skill levels of NZ and Aus were far and away much higher.
Men's tournament starts today.

Try watching the rugby sevens.
Each match is short, and the space on the pitch means that there are plenty of tries.
The Aussies deservedly won the ladies' tournament last night. The men's tournament looks like it could be more open.

There are some highly sexist outfits.

I need five courses for dinner, and each course will be steak.

Drivin' through 'splosions, I'm drivin' through 'splosions.
My car is just so kewl.