
Ah, that explains it.

Even though he's pot-bellied, he's light for such a tall horse.
My wife's is 16.3 to the withers and weighs about 1150 lbs. And he's not a large build.

"How you doobiein'?"
laughter track

"Take My Breath Away" has two connotations for me - obviously "Top Gun", but also (not a TV show, but nearly) what I thought was an amazing ad for Peugeot in the '80s:


That was just a brilliant use of the song.

"If You Leave Me Now" will forever be linked with Butters being convinced the apocalypse has happened in "South Park".

I had one, which I used mainly as in the picture - it was sat next to me.
I later bought a cassette adapter so I could use it in the car I bought a few years after.

It's a show Mrs periscopes watches, and therefore I do too. I agree, the prison plot has really dragged.

It had Bruce Campbell, ergo it was great.

You forgot the walking in corridors. Lots of walking. Lots of corridors.

I need to put my hand up and admit I like "Wonderful Christmastime": it reminds me of a very specific part of my life.

I wasn't being serious. If two idiots are fighting, and I don't know anything about it, I always steer clear.

I especially liked the Discman element of the picture. Very '90s.

"Red Right Hand" is used pretty effectively in Peaky Blinders.

This movie is to leather trousers as The Matrix is to black trenchcoats. In retrospect, I'm pretty glad I had no money in the '90s: I would have copied every one of these trends.

I started university in 1994 - you can imagine how unbearably "pained" a lot of the girls were by the tragedy behind the movie. Every student house had a copy of it, and the bloody poster on the wall.

I'm 15 years too old to be a meme :(

Become a better dad by KILLING Santa. I saw that movie, and was slightly surprised at how the elves didn't seem to care that the man they'd worked for and lived alongside was now gone.

I got very little love from my parents - and still do really. My mum acts more like an early-20s daughter with no financial acumen, and my dad is only in my life when my sister talks about him.
I found the love of my life early on. I guess I'm the corollary of your experiences. Sorry.