
Me neither. I'm 41, and find most music stations/new music are aimed squarely against me. I honestly believe it's a part of growing up as a teen: getting your own musical identity by finding and liking music to annoy your parents.

"I Predict a Riot", "Ruby", and "Oh My God" (the latter also re-recorded by Mark Ronson and Lily Allen) are also good Kaiser Chiefs Songs.

Makes sense. I guess I was being reactionary. I'm a git.

You are technically correct. The best kind of correct.

Ho, you're a cigarette! And so is your mum!

I found the girl of my dreams in the arms of some Scotsmen from Hull.

As an American cigarette living in London, do you get tired of being called a f@g?

If anything, I'm glad it was made because it (alongside Deadpool) has helped me convince my wife to start going to the cinema again.
That and, you know, it was a pretty decent movie.

They lobotomized me as I walked into the cinema. They must have done, because I enjoyed the film.
Bastards, making me enjoy something!

The course would have been free at point of use for Webb.
He's two years older than me, and I attended an English university after going through state education. I had no course fees, and even some local authority grants for the first two of my three years.

The pronunciation of the word "nemesis" always got me.

You're missing an over-reactionary approach to life, which seems to be the main reason people use Twitter.

The "meltdown" seems to be with the people who read it as him hating the working class, rather than the fact that he worked hard to avoid having no options in life.
His response to the haters: "You don't help working-class people by sentimentalising them. We don't like it. Even those who finished a degree."

Re your sidenote: sexism.

Watched it last week with Mrs periscopes.

He really is passionate. Away from this show, he tends to come across as more relaxed too.

Unfortunately not.

The parallels with the UK's EU referendum are quite evident: voting against "the political establishment"; fear/feelings>facts (Gove here even stated that people don't want to listen to experts); a charismatic idiot leading the nonsensical option (Trump/Johnson); "taking back control".

Or "Anotherbyss"

As well as the lack of false drama, a large part of why this show works in the UK is that the judges are well-known (here) as being experts in cookery/baking.