
As a kid who was 7 years old when ET came out, I loved the genre of 80s sci-fi. I spent a lot of my youth watching the movies on VHS.

Without Hawk, the 4077th is a lot less sexist!

They should just ask Theresa May - she's already read them.

They're on hiatus because the FBI is investigating claims of fraud: allegedly, not one penny they have made has been spent on fighting foo.

The Trip was great, but was made initially as a TV show (6 30-minute episodes), and is best seen that way. The pacing just works better.

Southern England.

That's the unfortunate thing. Like pretty much everywhere, most people from SA are/were nice. I only knew these nasty people at the time, but I have subsequently met plenty of lovely South Africans.

Me too - she was the star of the Thomas Crown remake for me. Well, her and that diaphanous dress.

Sadly, I got it straight away.
We had some nasty expat South Africans living in my village (they left SA because it was getting more progressive). They were horrible people, and used ethnic slurs in everyday conversation in public.

Until the last verse.

It is different, but that's why I also mention that my mother berates me for watching a film with "eye candy". There's no way that I can even interact with a 2D representation that has been pre-recorded. She is atypical*, I know.

I've only ever been to them on stag weekends (three). I am never comfortable there. It's just not my idea of fun.

My mum is 62.

I did similar sabotaging things early on - basically through fear of "getting serious".

Or burple?

You're just getting weirder, so becoming more accepting of others' weirdness.

Desmond. It's Desmond, but now he stays at home and does his pretty face.

18 months into my relationship with my now-wife, we had a split. It was because we lived in different towns and I didn't want her to leave her lovely town to be nearer me: the closest big place is not the nicest.

A very personal one here: my mother's double standard that it's "disgusting" for men to ogle women (definitely strip shows, but also even James Bond movies), but empowering for her to go to see male strippers.

She'd send me out to get it. Insult to injury, and all that.