
I often feel as if I have to justify my economic position - I am a graduate with a professional qualification on top. I lived in a "council house" as a kid (assisted housing), and worked my own way through university. After graduating, I took a low-paid job because of the training contract it included.

I think there are some issues with Disqus at the moment.

Breaking News…

France has never really been too pleased with us. Their strikes tend to focus on Calais, which buggers the UK more than anyone else.

That letter was kind of an X-rated Mr Bean story.

There are still people who think that the Nazis had some good ideas. People are dumb.

I agree with you, and will shout down anyone who doesn't!

We are about to have a very important referendum in the UK about membership of the EU.

I'd certainly advise against knee breakage.

Physics teacher seems like a genuinely good person.
Activist jerk seems like a jerk, and should be kicked to the kerb.
Douchebag Bartender continues being a douchebag.

You guessed it - it was Franko Stallone

You're right, but I've spent seven years giving them my expertise, and I've done it willingly because I believe strongly in the organisation's aims. Our own lives mean that my priorities have shifted.

He was still "Larry" Fishburne back then.

We rescued two cats about 12 years ago. They were mother and daughter, and had been abandoned.

Maru is awesome! I think you put me onto him on this very site many years ago. Thanks.

The reasons for pay gaps are manifold.

Just made a similar comment.
Thinking about it, "filthy bagel" sounds like a sex act or the world's worst band name.

Don't eat filthy bagels. They're filthy.

My father used to tease me for not playing football (soccer). It was practically a religion here when I was growing up. I didn't play initially because I never had a father around to play with. Most of my family thought I was a bit "girly".