
My little sister suffered the same thing. It's definitely worse for girls.

I've always said that I identify as hetero, but only about 80%.

Gender pay inequality, and the concept that the man has to earn the living, and the woman looks after the home. It's still prevalent.

If the Cymbalta isn't working for you, then you need to change. That change will have to come sooner or later.

"Major Brain Freeze" sounds like a Venture Bros. villain's name.

A quick Google search tells me that "La loi de la rue" is the Quebecois name for "Boyz N the Hood". Now I'm confused.

Why the fuck are there so many millennial ninjas?

Yeah: a very complex set of statutory accounts, and a very small accounts department. Plus budgeting, which is never easy in a charity that has many stakeholders.

I was on fluoxetine (Prozac) to quell episodes, but mainly it has been therapy: both from a professional and a beautiful, compassionate wife (Mrs periscopes is the best).
I've been fortunate because of the support I have at home, and the UK's National Health Service is free at point of use.

If we do go to a black Bond, my vote would be for Chiwetel Ejiofor.
He has the physicality, the handsomeness, and can rock a pair of stilettos. Although, again, he'd be 40 by the time it came around.

Basildon Bond is a type of paper, and a Russ Abbott character.

I'm in my early 40s. I've come to terms with savouring the time I get alone, and dealing with the time I have to put on my normal-person-mask and interact with others when all I want is to be alone. I would say that I am better at dealing with it than ever since being treated for depression.

A Talking Cat!?

[raises eyebrow]

Back in the dim and distant, when I used to date, I found that I felt so self conscious if I was doing all the talking. I got around this by asking questions.

Welcome to European permanence.
Hope I can still say the same this time next month, after our referendum.

The answer is therefore robes.

I think that's implied now.

As someone who was born in '74, I also hate conflict - I have gone into my family history on these pages before, and that's the principal cause. Avoidance is a survival mechanism for me too.