
That somewhat strikes a chord with me. I need my "alone time", and currently get this by walking my commute, and also getting up at 5am.

Good to see you back, and that you're still benefiting in many ways from the treatment.
I'm sorry about the shitty financial situation, but I have always found it easier to get work from being in work already, perversely. I guess it's a confidence thing. Keep looking.

It can be two things!


I always slather it in HP sauce.

Me too - my wife bought me an original X-Box in 2002, on release in Europe, because she thought I'd "missed out" growing up. I still only have four games, two of which were bundled with it. When we moved house six years ago, I put it in its box for transportation, and there it remains.

Ouch. I'm grumpy because we had a rainy weekend, and the sun is shining brilliantly today as I'm in the office.

It's basically more of the same. Not great.

That sounds like one of my dreams.
But David Suchet is the definitive Poirot for me.

Overshadowed only by Banlieue 13: Ultimatum.

No more fuck

It is what it is.
And it is now in the past.

My dad is 62. He had no faith in my intelligence whatsoever, even though my school reports were glowing from an early age. Even when I was accepted into a good university (back when the course was free to entrants), he doubted I could succeed.

That's the guy/asshole.

That is just amazing. I've been having a stressful morning at work (it's 11am here as I post), and was about to walk away from my desk to get some perspective. That article just gave me what I needed. Thanks!

Ha! I've been a dirty old man for 22 years, and I'm only 41.

I feel the pain of your father's barbs. My parents divorced when I was 4. From about 14, I made all the effort in our relationship.He would constantly belittle me, to the point that I would take breaks from him.

My father told me at 16 to give up on school and get a factory job.

Like everyone else, I always appreciated her input into conversations here. She will be missed.