
I'm not sure that was 100% accurate advice. Mrs p loves the toy I bought her, but seems to find other things give her more frequent (and more intense) orgasms.


Mrs periscopes and I cannot walk together without holding hands (unless terrain forbids it - we sometimes go hill-walking). I love that intimacy and its consistent nature.

Mine removes in-grown hairs for me. They weren't a problem for me, so i guess my letting her is love..?

I like that. We have renovated all three of our homes - and lived to tell the tale.
Truth be told, though, the largest house (and largest project) is our current one, and I did 90% of that myself while my wife was working in another city during the week.

My wife has taken (counts on fingers and toes) 16 years of living together to realise that when I'm muttering under my breath, it's because I'm stopping myself from shouting that.

Mrs periscopes often wears her hair up in a pony-tail. When she does, there are little ringlets down her neck. These are the most beautiful things in my world.

If someone my age (41) approached my niece (17), there would be very stern messages from myself and my brother.

That was exactly my reaction!
Second was: Pugh, Pugh, Barney McGrew, Cuthbert, Dibble, Grub will all be needed to put that fire out.

I was dead in the 80s. For tax reasons.

I would have gone for iPood.

Those bastards have squeezed out us regular moron-morons.

Irrelevant Mohd-style comment

Deep Cover: I went out with friends from school to watch Bram Stoker's Dracula, but no-one had reserved tickets. It was sold out, so we went to watch this other movie that none of us had known about. It remains a favourite to this day.
And the soundtrack is amazing.

Re Cabin - my brother had the best ever response to that movie (he had no idea what to expect): "that film was f*ckin' f*cked as f*ck!"

The Neverending Story - it was the first movie I'd seen without adults (I was nine), and I felt so grown up.

Transformers: The Movie was great at the cinema. I was 11, and thought I was too old for cartoons, but I loved those robots. The scale of the story in comparison to the TV show was just awesome.

I watched it on opening night with my brother-in-law. I'm so glad that I did, and that I paid to see it in 3D (I normally get a headache). It was a great group experience.

That's just too much loincloth to see on the big screen.

"Born in the UK" and "Have You Fed the Fish?" are both still albums that I tend to listen to whilst cooking. They aren't essential, but are good hang-out music.