
Exactly that: I love comedy, but noticed that I could sit through (classic) Simpsons or even Peter Serafinowicz* without laughing.

I love that movie (and Levine was OK in it)

I work in a charity, as a specialist in my field (finance). As such, I have to deal with volunteers asking advice, and it usually requires me to break complicated issues into simple processes. It can be exhausting.

You need to get engaged to Lana Kane.

Exercise is hugely important in remaining balanced.

I find that it's incredibly hard to focus on pop culture when I'm struggling. I'll put the TV on, and somehow not see or hear anything. I become trapped. It's shitty.
The only thing that can break into the fug is my wife.

I asked permission, but only once we'd already got engaged.

Mrs periscopes wears a fairly large diamond. However, the ring was commissioned by me (as a one-off) as a remake from an existing ring that she had inherited from her beloved grandfather.

I bet Dan chuckled at "he never brought it up again". I did.

Look at Mr Fancy-Pants reading over here!

That was the first thing that came to my mind too.

Oi've come ta kill yor mon-stah!

He's certainly the first syllable of that adjective.

You can get those in "Bloomsbury" gift shops in Britain. They look good: I love the classic Penguin book cover style.

Hardwicke for me too, mostly because he seemed more capable.

Laurie is spot-on.
Fry is, as you say, almost perfect. I think that being in his very early 30s at the start was part of any problem. Jeeves is supposed to be older, but Fry carries the self-assuredness brilliantly.

I find your lack of faith… disturbing.

There's a whole generation (OK, probably three) of British women who think of *that* lake scene as their happy place.

Almost too definitive for his career's sake.
I met him once - he's a lovely guy.