
Robin Taylor is so good in that role, that I keep occasionally going back to the show.

I prefer Hardwicke over Burke, if only for the fact that he didn't quite seem as much of a bumbler.

I was born too soon - at 11-years old, I looked almost exactly the same as Radcliffe did. Unfortunately, that was in 1985.

Brett's illness was such a shame - I still re-watch the old Granada-produced Holmes show. But who was the better Watson: Hardwicke or Burke?

Wodehouse is such a delight - I'm pretty certain that our kitchen is the only room in the house without at least one of his books in it.
And, when I read any of the Jeeves stories, Fry and Laurie are who I envisage. Their casting was somewhat surprising at the time though: they were only really known as sketch

The A.V. Club
All sorts of awkward

Is Oliver Miller from Kansas?

Thanks. That's going to be whizzing around my brain for the day now.

My parents divorced when I was young - I didn't know why at the time, but it was because of my mother's serial cheating.

I clicked on that link, and was disappointed that the Eddie the Eagle to whom you refer was not the gurning superstar of winter sports.

The Mail is the worst.

Poor old Keet.
On a not quite unrelated note, do you know when the first season of Coronation Street will end? It's taking forever.

I was a year or two older, and I pretty much hated Guns N Roses from the off, too. My wife likes them, and my friends did too, but not me.

Unfortunately it was not boxed - just styrofoam padded.

And the Tourette test.

We used poisonous gases

Congrats on the upwards movement.
You seem to be enjoying it for what it is, and that's good.

My cat would make a point of not noticing a new thing, then being scared of it three weeks later. Apart from the BB-8 droid I bought: she was scared of that straight away.

Have a great birthday.

As someone who has often spoken before thinking, I recommend an apology. It isn't easy, but it will help your friend know that you care.