
We are boring in our compatibility.

I think it's pretty damn terrifying - it is impossible to influence a debate without engaging in debate. These snubs are shutting down reasonable discourse.

You're just not ready (for this jelly)

Have you learnt nothing from M Python:

If so, she should have been more specific.
Was it his left or ours as we look at it?

Nothing to add - they were definitely on the idiot-dick spectrum.

Should have read your post before making mine. I'm a pedant.

Worth and value are very different things to me. I know it's pedantic.

My cat trusts the vet more than she trusts me. Cutting nails is his job now.


I saw it with Mrs periscopes on Valentine's.
Proof that she's the right person for me: she'd never heard of Deadpool, but watched a trailer, saw the release date, and decided that's what we would be doing for Valentine's.

Saturday, we celebrated our third annual ValenChristmas with friends - full lovely Christmas dinner with crap presents and worse sweaters.

My parents were both shitty (for different reasons from each other).
My eldest sibling is just 14 months older than me, and I learnt resourcefulness and self-reliance from her.

Kudos to your dad.

I was strong friends with Mrs periscopes before we got together (we both had another person when we met). We finally got together just to get past the attraction stage. That still hasn't happened.
That lady has shown me that my early years anti-marriage stance for my own life was way off. Also that you can be friends

Reading SL over the years has definitely helped me to overcome my shyness and fear that my kinks are disgusting.

I too am a fan of big Grace Jones.

You hit the nail on the head.
That line you quoted made me cry when I first heard it. It was the closest thing I had ever known to my own experiences.

So he could say things like "I find it hard to understand. It obfuscates truth and I think an economic ideology is oppositional to the spiritual ideologies that are what we need to adopt if we’re to save our planet and humankind. Capitalism, the economic arm of the individualism and materialism ideologies that keep us

As a true patriot, I must stay with the Royal Mail.