
I forgot I'd already bee.

The A.V. Club

Celebrate ValenChristmas™ - it's what my social circle now does.

Mrs periscopes and I never buy presents at Valentines, and have never done so (except for the first one, but we'd only been together 5 weeks at the time).

To answer 1)

Mrs periscopes hates stubble. In fact, if I shave when I get home from work, she knows that I am in the mood for sex.

I've had my fair share of bad sex, some of which I've shared here. But that did sound terrible.
As a guy myself, I would wholeheartedly endorse your second paragraph.

I've been to Belgium. Twice. If there are any Belgian twinks, they ain't there.

There is a real-life Downton about five miles from my home. That is in Wiltshire, not Yorkshire though.

You just need to drink it the A.V. Club way - straight from the bottle.

Yeah - I don't mind technical demands, just I don't really enjoy the technical aspect of my "chosen" career.

One other reason would be to see a TVR Tuscan.
Beautiful car, but so few were made and the manufacturer went under soon after (although the brand is being re-launched).

I mentioned this in another post recently, but "Get Rhythm" by Johnny Cash always gets me going with its wonderful, er, rhythm.

My mother-in-law transferred all that pressure onto us recently when it became clear that child-loving sister in law was approaching 40 with no signs of "settling down".

It's better than being in your 40s, and still carrying on with the career you accidentally fell into and don't really enjoy.

I'm very similar. It used to take me so long to know when someone was coming on to me that they'd have walked away before my friends could convince me.

I have three sisters.
One married for the first time at age 39 - is now 42.
The second is now 39, and has been single for 17 years.
The youngest is 30 - she has been single for 6 years (and I'm so glad she broke up with the loser).
My brother is 33 - he has two girlfriends.

Buzz, I am married and not poly (the words "rip your dick off" were casually mentioned by Mrs periscopes once when a friend mentioned open relationships).