
That parody has no sole.

I believe Michael Haneke's Funny Games wasn't a huge success when he re-made it in English.

See, when our school burnt down no-one shouted "hurrah!".
In fact the policeman said "unicyclistperiscopes, I am arresting you in the name of the law…"

Something, something, the phantom f… flinger.

The Vengabus is crashing
The windows are all smashing
Blood and guts are flying
Everybody's dying

If Mickey Rourke said "Va-va-voom!", you'd have to mop the spittle from the walls.

I've loved the "Deep Cover" soundtrack since I first heard it - it's a perfect time capsule now, especially the young featured artist on the title track.

But these men were stupid enough to use their own car - in London, which has a huge concentration of CCTV cameras.

Pissing the night away… That song was only just too late to be the soundtrack to my university years.

Yeah - young Master periscopes assumed that he'd be single until he was really old (you know, 30 or so). Now I'm in my 40s, I realise what a stupid notion that was. I was married at 26 - these things are indeed random.

Life overall: "Get Rhythm" by Johnny Cash.
Just recently, I've re-discovered how music can build my frame of mind to help me focus on building the strength I sometimes lack at the start of the day. There are the obvious lyrics and message in the song, but its overall cadence is what I love about it.

Ha! A Star Wars fan meeting a lady?

If you want Nessie out of hiding, just have $3.50 ready.

I will always have a soft spot for "Better Off Dead".

I re-watched "Revenge of the Nerds" recently, and the "good" guys break into the girls' home, install secret cameras, print up pornographic images without the subject's knowledge, and one even dupes a girl into sex (i.e. rape). All in the name of comedy.

That was a beautiful response from Iman.

As someone who has been in a monogamous relationship for 20 years, and has no desire to move away from it, I understand the writer's position.
I can find other women and scenarios attractive, but have no desire to be with or in them.

This was one of my biggest fears about "Elementary" before it aired, when I heard that John Watson was becoming Joan.
I'm so glad that problem didn't arise (although the Mycroft arc slightly spoiled this).
