
I work in a charity. I receive a good salary, albeit one that is far below the commercial rate.

People only gawk at you in strip clubs?

Every life needs balance. Some people are happy with working crazy hours, and that is where their balance lies.

Or be a dog: if you can't hump it, eat it, or play with it - ignore it.

I keep telling my angst-ridden 16-year-old niece to be a bit more circumspect when posting her emotions on social media.

As a corollary to that, I learnt only to make jokes at other peoples' expense when you're close enough that you know it won't hurt their feelings.
Of course, everyone should know that anyway. But I was a bit emotionally dim until my late teens.

Mrs periscopes (then called Miss U) had to fight off loads of her friends saying that something was going to happen between us because we were so close. But we were each in another relationship when we met.

I grew up in a close-knit village community.
For a few years, I was close to a girl. We would chat after school, walk her dog together, and lots of hang-out type of activity. She was cute but we (I thought) made it clear we weren't each other's type. I would give her advice about boys she liked, and she gave me advice

A few years back, I was at a friend's birthday party. I was entertaining his two step-sons (ages of four and six), because we all shared an interest in cars - specifically seeing how fast we could send model cars careening down slopes.

Hey, where do you get off calling us "you people"?
Only kidding, we know you didn't get off…

Glad it's working well for you, and I hope it continues to do so.

In Glasgow, it's actually a pish smell.

Medieval height was not far short (excuse the pun) of modern height - it declined later.

I grew up on that show. Loved it.
It also had Ray Winstone as Will Scarlet.

The comment about suitable for all ages at all times is self-imposed too: UK TV does not require this.

What about this Macca Christmas song?

I was named after the ambulance driver who drove my mother to the hospital for my birth, because my parents hadn't bothered to come up with a name. My uncle was very put out, because he has the same name…

re McCartney: fail to die yet?

Wow. That is just awful.
Quite how many people must have just shrugged when they dealt with his case beggars belief.