
Lake Bell sounds like it could be the title of an atmospheric horror-thriller.

Any excuse to post a sketch by Peter Serafinowicz (his Alan Alda is great):

I fell asleep during the recent Sherlock special. I asked Mrs periscopes what I missed, and she said "nothing". And we both previously loved the show.

I like that resolution. I find poetry helps me slow down.

I've stopped buying books because I'm so far behind in my reading. Every time I go into the room (a small second lounge) that we use as a library/"booze lounge" I feel guilty.

The more famous one (I was 13 when it changed, and The Bill was one of the first grown-up shows I liked. The theme tune was a large part of that, as well as characters like Carver, Tony Stamp, Burnside, and Reg Hollis).

Continue with Hitchcock, then Stewart.
Hitchcock was consistently great.

I'm in a better place now, but still only managed two movies in the theatre last year. I think I may join you in this one.

Adam Hills is brilliant.
"The Last Leg" is my primary news source when it's airing. Mostly because his rants are spot on.

Back in the spring, I couldn't wait. Now I doubt I'll even bother. I guess I have moved on now. I still read Clarkson's reviews in the Sunday Times though.

I did recently get a new TV, and have also resolved to see more movies.
Specifically, I have resolved to remove all iPhones/iPads/other distractions from the room when watching movies at home. Those insidious devices can and do ruin the experience.

I watched the new Star Wars movie on opening night here in the UK.
That was an interesting experience - the first time I have ever been in a British cinema with the audience cheering and applauding.

Now I've got the amazing Bill theme tune and an image of two pairs of feet walking through my mind. Thanks.

I studied for seven years. I get to use it regularly, since my home country is connected to France by a tunnel.
But yeah, gender assignment seemed totally random to my eyes.

Good points. Thanks

Oh absolutely - I just think that the stated reasoning lacked any kind of finesse, and the reporting of the story here provides an image that UK TV is against showing any kind of homosexual relationships.

It's strange, because we've had all sorts of things shown on UK TV - and the network stating that content has to be suitable to all ages at all times is probably an internal requirement: mixing censorship with editing.

NonUnionMexicanEquivalent did include Hitchcock, who genuinely deserves to be in any discussion of great directors.

Point 5) is why I spend most of my work time "polishing" myself.

That's what I do too, except that I use this website instead of my own.