
The A.V.Club

Mine is the one that starts "The first rule of Street Countdown…".

I very much enjoyed "Spectre" (so am in the minority here, I know), but that movie really wasted Christoph Waltz.

The IT Crowd is hilarious, and gets stronger. See more.

A great film - I saw it after reading an article on Sterling Hayden on this very site a few years back.

The Flash does count, and it is a genuinely good superhero TV show. I didn't expect to like it so much (it was a Mrs periscopes choice).

I re-watched WHAS after seeing the Netflix series. I wasn't that enamoured of the movie previously, but enjoyed it much more recently. Still not a classic in my eyes, though.

"The Foremost" by Phill Most Chill (2013) - an album produced by one of my favourite DJs, DJ Format. It's properly old school, and I play it about 50% of the time I get in my car now.

' - Frank Zappa

I love crappy novelty songs at this time of year - even going so far as to allow "Wonderful Christmastime" to be played in my house. That's commitment to the crappy novelty cause.

Lemons (and other citrus fruit) make me fart. I like them, but no-one else does when I eat them.

My wife (born in Yorkshire, raise in the sarf) loves Bennett's writing. He is, as you say, so very British.

Working 24/7 365-days-a-year would take you 14 years at $98ph to save up for a McLaren F1, if Rowan Atkinson's recently-sold one is any indicator. Oh, and "new" would have to include cars made in the 20th century…

That's how most pronounce it, but my friend actually calls it "Herry-fuhd". We laugh at that, too. We aren't very nice people…

Oh yeah - most of the stuff I have kicking around on MD is on mix-tapes that I had made.

I wish. I know I have a Definition of Sound tape, and some Prodigy stuff, but I'm too forgetful (probably a subconscious desire to wipe the awful shit I once listened to from my memory).

I think we have a Manic Street Preachers album and a few classical releases.
But the short answer is "not much"

1999 I believe - a Hallmark TV movie, but a great one. Some of it suffers from budget limitations - though not his performance.
It's available on Amazon streaming (and, I'm sure, elsewhere).

In one of our spare rooms is a box with a load of cassingles (love that word). If I can find a cassette player, I may re-visit them to see how bad my taste was when I could only afford 99p at a time to spend on music.

Don Cheadle was great as Mouse.