
Brett was excellent.
Too bad his health was terrible towards his untimely passing.

I'll be busting out my old DVD of Stewart' A Christmas Carol again very soon. That was pretty much the definitive performance of Scrooge for me.

Nick yer motor for a shilling, squire?

I have a good friend from Hereford, and we shout that at each other often. Mostly because of the terrible mispronunciation of "Hereford". I guess none of the Brits on set was allowed to talk to de Niro about that.

I loved his extolling the virtues of exam revision:

Well, the gifts did turn out to be useless in very short order…

The A.V.Club

I was among the first in my peer group to marry. By that age (26), my mother had had three kids with my father and divorced him - she was also married to the man with whom she'd cheated on my father.
My little brother wasn't far off arriving.

Awful. I don't find my sister-in-law that attractive.

Not really romantic disaster, but I bought Mrs periscopes a personal MiniDisc player for Christmas in the year 2000. Lack of foresight there. The worst of it is that she bought me the exact same model of player at the same time.

I live locally: there actually is a Woodhenge, about two miles from Stonehenge. The remains of Strawhenge remain undiscovered.

Mrs periscopes and I have to be very circumspect when sis-in-law is visiting. She's very nosey.
I want to leave incriminating evidence of our more kinky predilections on open view in our bedroom, because her sister would get freaked out and only be able to let on if she admitted snooping.

Making music, singing songs, and fightin' 'round the world!

Tear-jerking, surely?

I had mine surgically installed.
We could have saved a fortune had we gone to the hospital together.

Happy Hill Cemetery!

He barely knew 'er!

Laughed Out Plop?

We don't even get any Thanksgiving holiday.
Mainly because we're ungrateful bastards with a massive sense of entitlement.

Aw, somebody needs a hug!