
Brit then goes on to explain that she's high on sugar, caffeine and sleep-deprivation.

British Member of Parliament, Stephen Milligan.

It was indeed awesome.

Yeah - it took Mrs p ages of convincing me to go before I finally relented. That woman has the patience of a saint and the obstinacy of a mule.

I have/had issues with depression and trying to torpedo my relationship.
Luckily, my wife is so strong.

Oh, politics is an area where I have to tell my father-in-law to shut up!
Luckily, we get on well enough that I can.

The one misgiving my in-laws had a bout me was that I came from an abusive household. I'd told the-then-future Mrs periscopes, and she'd told them in order to explain my disparate family locations.

I have a better relationship with my in-laws than I do with my own parents. I'm so very lucky. They accepted me from day one.

Mrs periscopes told me after our first kiss that I'd left it too long. I had no real confidence.
I'm sure she was wrong, as we're still together now. But I wouldn't dare tell her.

Many, MANY, years ago I met a girl at a party. She was a stunning girl - six feet tall and a redhead. We spoke for hours until she realised that I didn't recognise her. Apparently we'd met a couple of weeks earlier (it came back to me later when I related the meeting to mutual friends). I never had confidence, so

I was fortunate, in that the current Mrs periscopes and I met when at uni, so had loads of time to spend with each other before moving in.

Mrs periscopes and I went through a short break-up when we graduated university and moved to separate towns. We decided we needed each other, and worked on it.
This was in the 90s, and it still reminds me what I have to lose. I will never let our relationship slip into the boring.

I had an awful relationship with my stepfather (and my relationship with my mother still suffers as a result); my father is an asshole; I had some situations that came about because of my own negligence (the worst I described last week); and I fervently believed that I was ugly and useless. So I was a pretty poor

Mrs periscopes and I will also have been together for 20 years in January. Our sex life is generally amazing, except for the fact that her sister is staying with us: long story, but hopefully short stay.

And Bel Biv Devoe.

In response, Tom Jones says "Thunderballlllllllllll!"

He looks like Tom from Craggy Island ("Father Ted").

But what if it's Zod's turn? He can get a bit grumpy if you push into a queue.

That's the other one I read - "A Cook's Tour".
I concur that it and KC are both well worth reading.

I've read "Kitchen Confidential" and another of his books - I can't remember the title - and his approach to everything seems pretty straightforward. Of course it's uncomfortable to watch, but ignorance of farming and food production can be very dangerous. I agree with the notion that most of us are too sheltered from