
Never having seen the show (I don't think it's available here), I cannot comment on whether it's gratuitous. However, I think all meat-eaters should be made aware of the processes that those fluffy animals go through to be on their plate.

[Sips Prosecco;nods]

Every member of the cast is perfect for this show. I love it.

The (few) guys I told about it at the time had a similar attitude. It stinks.

It would be, and also underline the fact that Bond had a lavish lifestyle (eggs and butter in this example were both rationed).

Binary solo

It was probably left from this list because of its length, but I love that track too.

I wouldn't call it deep, but there is an echo!

She doesn't *give* that away. It's cheap, sure, but I wouldn't class it as a giveaway.

I was given the BB-8 Sphero toy - it's brilliant fun, but costs about £130 here (c. $200)

[quickly gets self outside a b. and s.]

Extra black pudding though.

I'm just assuming that it goes without saying.

Pain au chocolat is where it's at for me.

That became a watershed moment in my drunken behaviour: i.e. never go home with anyone I didn't know after several beverages. Also, it was my last ever random hook-up. It was pretty terrifying once I'd sobered up.

Continental breakfast is only any good as a starter for real breakfast: the Full English

The Bond stories had some very specific food/drink moments.

Mrs periscopes' favourite breakfast: take two slices of cold pizza, warm them slightly in a dry frying pan, and use them as the bread slices (with toppings on the inside) for a fried-egg sandwich.

I got very drunk at a university party, at the bottom of a very steep hill.
As was my wont, I decided to find a young lady to end the evening with - partly because young drunk unicyclistperiscopes was quite an amorous chap, partly because I didn't fancy a steep walk home.

FotC is never wrong.
Except perhaps for "Business Time"